I. Because Christians follow Jesus, we must embrace all his commands. II. Because Christians follow Jesus, we must embrace his loving grace. Proposition: Because Christians follow Jesus, we must embrace…

Conversing With God

6 August 2017
First Official Sermon Preached as the Pastor of Monroeville Presbyterian Church. Outline: I. Because prayer is fellowship with God, we must pray according to his will. II. Because God gives…

Three Days

3 February 2019
Fallen Condition Focus – Jesus’ resurrection has become humdrum. I. Three days for Jesus II. Three days for Jesus’ disciples Proposition - Since Jesus was resurrected on the third day,…

Victory in the Wilderness

24 September 2017
I. Because the Savior meets us in the wilderness, we must look to Jesus. II. Because the Savior is victorious in the wilderness, we must look to Jesus. Proposition: Because…

God Alone

15 July 2018
I. Because salvation is in Christ alone, we must not rely on our own merit. II. Because salvation is in Christ alone, we must rely only on his merit. Proposition…
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