“The Link” – June 2018: The Truth Project

MPC Family,

“Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?” This is a foundational question put forward in the The Truth Project, which we will be studying during Sunday school and our evening worship service starting on June 3d. The Truth Project is a very important study to great benefit for followers of Christ. Why?

In a 2017 study, the Barna Research Group published a startling statistic, revealing that only 17% of confessing Christians have a consistently biblical worldview.[i] This means a majority of professing Christians have, to some extent, entangled the truth of God with the lie of the world. Disturbingly, the Barna article shows that “38% of practicing Christians are sympathetic to some Muslim teachings,” “61% agree with ideas rooted in New Spirituality, 54% resonate with postmodernist views, 36% accept ideas associated with Marxism,” and “29% believe ideas based on secularism.”[ii] Focus on the Family explains how such an amalgam of beliefs has a profound impact on the life of said believer:

Because of this, today’s believers live very similarly to non-believers. A personal sense of significance is rarely experienced, we spend our money and time on things that fail to satisfy, and we begin to wonder what life’s ultimate purpose really is. We are, in short, losing our bearings as a people and a nation.[iii]

The Truth Project is designed “to counter this downward slide within the body of Christ.”[iv] It accomplishes this by discussing “in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life.”[v] The study consists of 12 lessons over 13 weeks. It consists of a video, which will be shown during Sunday School at 9:30 AM, and also a review and discussion period during the evening service starting at 5:30 PM. The video features our “tour guide,” Dr. Del Tackett, who is a PCA ruling elder, a former senior vice-president of Focus on the Family, a seminary professor, and a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. We will be providing notebooks with materials that will be helpful for you as we go through this journey together.

The Truth Project teaches us what a biblical worldview looks like in relation to various topics:

Lesson 1 – What is Truth?

Lesson 2 – Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?

Lesson 3 – Anthropology: Who is Man?

Lesson 4 – Theology: Who is God?

Lesson 5 (part 1 & 2) – Science: What is True?

Lesson 6 – History: Whose Story?

Lesson 7 – Sociology: The Divine Imprint.

Lesson 8 – Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?

Lesson 9 – The State: Whose Law?

Lesson 10 – The American Experiment: Stepping Stones

Lesson 11 – Labor: Created to Create.

Lesson 12 – Community Involvement: God Cares, Do I?

Is your worldview consistently biblical? How do you know? What does that even mean? Make a point of coming out to Sunday School and the evening service this summer for this tremendous study to find out, and be sure to invite friends. Look forward to seeing you there!



[i] The Barna Group, “Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians,” 9 May 2017, https://www.barna.com/research/competing-worldviews-influence-todays-christians/

[ii] Ibid.

[iii] http://www.thetruthproject.org/about/faqs#1

[iv] Ibid.

[v] Ibid.