
About the Site: rogermccay.org is dedicated to the glory of the living and true God of the Bible and is intended to provide Christian ministry and some interesting tidbits. The “net ministry” aspect of the site consists of various sections, including a section with some of Roger’s sermons, a section with some of Dr. Robert J. Ostenson’s sermons, a section with some resource comments and recommendations, and a section with articles I write each month for the “Link.” Interesting tidbits (at least I think they are 🙂 ) exist in the form of posts. A recent addition to the site is the featured section on The Book of Revelation, which is one of my current projects of particular interest. The site is constantly evolving, and I update it as I can. Please don’t read too much into the name of the site. It’s kind of like Bob naming his diner “Bob’s diner” – nothing more. Enjoy!!!

About Roger: Roger McCay is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (teaching elder/pastor) in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and falls under the Southeast Alabama Presbytery. He currently serves as the pastor of Monroeville Presbyterian Church, PCA (monpres.org) and is a retired U.S. Army Chaplain. His military experience spans 25 years of service (the first 10 years of service in the Field Artillery). He has been in ministry since 2002. His education includes a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology from Auburn University, a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) and a Masters of Theology (ThM) in Exegetical Theology and Ethics from Covenant Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from Erskine Theological Seminary. He is a husband and father. An athlete for many years, Roger has some marathons under his belt along with a national championship in powerlifting (2012). He currently enjoys beekeeping as a hobby. He also plays Atticus Finch in the Monroeville annual play “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Snarking and other such comments: If you comment be nice. This is a site dedicated to the glory of God! I reserve the right to either not post, delete, or ignore your comments, etc.

Comments section:  If you have suggestions or questions please post them below. Thanks!

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