Dear MPC Family,
Over the past few months, we’ve been taking a glimpse, one by one, of each of the love languages taught by Gary Chapman in his book, The 5 Love Languages. We’ve examined “Words of Affirmation,” and “Quality Time.” Then, in the May “Link,” we looked at the love language of “Giving & Receiving Gifts.” This month we are looking at the love language called “Acts of Service.”
So, what does that look like? Consider this scenario: John gives flowers to his wife Pam. Pam says thanks, puts them in a vase and goes back to staring at the TV. The next day Pam asked John to vacuum the den. So, John vacuumed. Pam got really excited, which resulted in the best evening they’d had together in a long time.
As you probably figured out, “Giving and Receiving Gifts” is not Pam’s primary love language. Rather, from her reaction to John’s vacuuming, her love language (the way she primarily gives and receives love) is “Acts of Service.” Acts of service can be of all sorts of things, from filling up your loved one’s car to simply washing the dishes.
1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” If you have the gift of love for another soul, be it a spouse, child, or any loved one who understands love best when you do something for him or her, be deliberate. Make a list of all the things your loved one has requested over the past few weeks, then do one each week. Ask what you can do for her when you get home at night. Give him a love note accompanied by some act of service every three days for a month. Then, enjoy the blessings of love.
In Christ’s love,