Doctrines of Grace

What is TULIP?

You may have heard the term TULIP. While tulips are beautiful flowers, TULIP is an acronym for certain Biblical principles of the beautiful salvation of the Lord: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints.

Below are a series of articles I wrote for “The Link” newsletter briefly explaining each principle of TULIP:

Total Depravity

Unconditional Election

Limited Atonement

Irresistible Grace

Perseverance of the Saints

Francis Schaeffer Collection

Francis Schaeffer

Here is a great collection of Francis Schaeffer resources – Francis Schaeffer Collection

From the site:

“Dr. Schaeffer was a Christian theologian and philosopher who, together with his wife Edith, founded the first L’Abri community in Switzerland in 1955. From the 1960’s, until his death in 1984, Dr Schaeffer’s lectures and discussions were recorded as a resource for future students.”

via Complete list of Dr Schaeffer’s lectures & discussions to download

Discipleship | byFaith


via Discipleship | byFaith

Great discussion on discipleship by Stephen Smallman published in byFaith Magazine – Discipleship: A Synonym for Christian Living. Here he lays out 10 “building blocks” in order “to lay a foundation for ongoing discipleship.”

“A disciple of Jesus is a person who has heard the call of Jesus and has responded by repenting, believing the gospel, and following Him.” Stephen Stallman

Keller: “Making Sense of Scripture’s ‘Inconsistency'”

Link: “Making Sense of Scriptures’s ‘Inconsistency'”

Here is a helpful Article by Dr. Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.

Keller briefly addresses the skeptics who like to “dismiss Christians” by pointing to so-called “inconsistencies” in their application of Biblical teaching.

The article is not directed toward inconsistencies of Christians in their practice (i.e. obedience to the Lord). Rather, the thrust of the article is toward an explanation of the Bible’s consistency in its teaching, specifically explaining how to understand the context of various types of laws the Bible puts forward. The key to understanding is Jesus Christ.

For those who are sincere in the question of Biblical consistency in such things, this article provides a concise and solid answer.

Noah & the End of the World

Noah, the movie, is out. An interesting story for us all as we all descend from him! He’s our gggg . . . grandaddy.

[Update – 15 Sept 2014] – Just watched the movie. I don’t recommend it. If you know the biblical story, the movie will probably just either frustrate you or make you mad. Such an opportunity lost …

Here is a video of Dr. Michael Williams (Professor of Systematic Theology at Covenant) as he speaks to what the Bible says about Noah and the coming end of the world as we know it. Fascinating! And it might not be what you think.

From Covenant Seminary’s Resource page.

Dr. Michael Williams – Noah & the End of the World [2011.10.20] – on Youtube