Water Into Wine

28 May 2023
Fallen Condition Focus - Failure to be obedient to the bridegroom. Proposition - Because Jesus is the bridegroom, Christians (his bride) must live in faithful obedience to him.


21 May 2023
Fallen Condition Focus - We Forget. I. We must diligently study the New Testament. II. We must diligently study the Old Testament. Proposition - Because remembering keeps us safe in…


7 May 2023
Fallen Condition Focus - Complacency Proposition - Because temptations assail us, we must guard against them in the strength of the Lord.

The Authorities

23 April 2023
Fallen Condition Focus - The temptation to blow off the authorities I. The governing authorities position is from God. II. The governing authorities power is from God. III. The governing…
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