I. Because God forbids Christians to divorce, Christians are to stay married. II. Because God forbids Christians to divorce, Christians married to an unbeliever are to live a holy life…
I. Because all of our “attitudes and behaviors” come from “the core” of our being, we must have a realistic knowledge of our self. II. Because all of our “attitudes…
Proposition: Because Jesus is a gracious Lord, we must approach him as determined, trusting supplicants in our need.
Fallen Condition Focus – Jesus’ resurrection has become humdrum. I. Three days for Jesus II. Three days for Jesus’ disciples Proposition - Since Jesus was resurrected on the third day,…
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus - We tend to let barriers that are not barriers for the Lord (e.g. excuses) keep us from obeying the Lord. I. Courageously…
This is an abbreviated service broadcasted from the pulpit amid the coronavirus pandemic (ACP) of 2020. Included below are relevant items from the bulletin: CALL TO WORSHIP: Come, let us…