Set Free!

24 May 2020
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – False teachings can lead to discouragement, even for believers.Proposition - Because the gospel encourages the people of God, we must live holy lives, as ones who are truly free.

Divine Appointments

17 March 2019
Fallen Condition Focus -  In our busyness, sometimes we miss opportunities to share the gospel.Proposition - Because God calls us to share the gospel with others, we must be on the lookout…


6 September 2020
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus - Disciples of Christ can get discouraged. Proposition - Since Christians are not alone, we should be encouraged as we confess Christ before a…


27 December 2020
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus - Sometimes we don’t get justice in this life. Proposition - Since the Lord is with his people, we should stand confident in the face…
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