Because the Kingdom of God must be received like a child, we must humbly come to the Savior in our helpless state.
Proposition - Because Jesus makes his people one, we must live in unity before the world.
I. We must obediently wait to see his coming glory. II. We must obediently love one another. Proposition - Because Jesus is glorified in Heaven, we, as his disciples, must…
Fallen Condition Focus – Jesus’ death on the cross has become humdrum. 1. Jesus’ love for sinners 2. Jesus’ atonement for sin Proposition - Because the Son of God died…
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – Overwhelmed by the struggles all around I. Christians should rejoice in our future hope. II. Christians should rejoice in our present hope,…
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus: Discouragement in the face of enemy attacks I. God is for his people II. God loves his people Proposition: Because Jesus secures our…