I. We must embrace the cost of discipleship Jesus demands. II. We must be bold in our faith. Proposition – Because following Christ in faith is the only way to…
I. We must follow Jesus in humble service. II. We must follow Jesus in humble sacrifice. Proposition: Because Jesus came to die as a ransom for many, we, as his…


29 July 2018
I. Christians must proclaim Jesus’ call by our deeds. II. Christians must proclaim Jesus' call by our words. Proposition – Because the desperate for Jesus are everywhere, Christians must proclaim…

Rise, Go, & Do

15 September 2019
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – Rather than “rise and go” in order to "do" for the Lord, there is a tendency to “sit and stay.” 1. Rise and Go…

Tragic Hero (Part I)

1 November 2020
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus - The tendency to cover-up disobedience by taking what seems a high spiritual road I. Test the spirits. II. Submit to God’s Word. III.…
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