Worship Services for Home

Amid the Coronovirus Pandemic (ACP) of 2020, Monroeville Presbyterian Church (MPC) postponed our church congregating together physically to inhibit the spread of the virus. Despite this, we continued to worship together in our homes, etc., using the tools available. Posted here are the services (22 March – 10 May 2020), that we streamed online to our congregation (and all who tuned in), at monpres.org. You’ll notice that, due to the nature of the services, there are no hymns included (except for Easter). So, I encourage you to worship with songs and hymns and spiritual songs while worshipping at home with the Lord (Colossians 3:16). If you only want to listen to the sermons, these are posted here: Roger’s Sermons.

Bible Text: Acts 14:19-20 | Preacher: Roger McCay | Series: MPC Service Broadcasts Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | This is an abbreviated service broadcasted from the pulpit amid the coronavirus pandemic…
Bible Text: Acts 14:1-18 | Preacher: Roger McCay | Series: MPC Service Broadcasts Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | This is an abbreviated service broadcasted from the pulpit amid the coronavirus pandemic…
Bible Text: Acts 13:14-52 | Preacher: Roger McCay | Series: MPC Service Broadcasts Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | This is an abbreviated service broadcasted from the pulpit amid the coronavirus pandemic…
Bible Text: Acts 13:5-14 | Preacher: Roger McCay | Series: MPC Service Broadcasts Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | This is an abbreviated service broadcasted from the pulpit amid the coronavirus pandemic…
Bible Text: Mark 15:42-16:8 | Preacher: Roger McCay | Series: MPC Service Broadcasts Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | Easter Worship Service for Monroeville Presbyterian Church broadcasted from the pulpit amid the…
Bible Text: Acts 13:1-4 | Preacher: Roger McCay | Series: MPC Service Broadcasts Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | This is an abbreviated service broadcasted from the pulpit amid the coronavirus pandemic…