Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – It’s hard to love our enemies. Proposition - Because victory is in Jesus, Christians must persevere in enduring faithfulness to his will.
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – There is a tendency to put self-interest as the highest value. I. Silence to win. II. Suffering to win. …
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus - Satan’s strategic warfare is vast and complicated, making it easy to be overwhelmed and concede defeat. Proposition - Because victory is in…
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – A tendency to discount the forces behind those who are under the sway of evil. I. Demonic exploitation. II. Human exploitation. Proposition…
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – Ignorance makes it difficult to be humble and wise with a self-giving love.Proposition - Because victory is in Jesus, Christians must persevere in enduring…
Link to Sermon Manuscript Fallen Condition Focus – The tendency towards salvific deeds. Proposition - Because victory is in Jesus, Christians must persevere in enduring faithfulness to his will.